Saturday, May 7, 2011


haha..come on..writing for fun here..xD
specially for those lovebirds out there..
before n


B : I have waited so long for this moment..!!

G : r u going to leave me.??

B : No la!! Dont ever think like will never happen..

G : Do u love me??

B : Yes! everyday..

G : Have u ever cheated on me??

B : No..y ur always ask such question?

G : Will u kiss me??

B : every single chance!!

G : Will u ever hit me??

B : r u mad? Im not tht kinda guy.!

G : Can i trust u?

B : Yes.!!

G : Sweetheart!!!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

arini..aku nk tulis pasal makan..sbab aktiviti aku harini..bukan jalan2 carik makan tp jlan2 sambil makan di johor bahru..haha..nice is it..

ni la kdai tmpat aku lunch td...lunch sorang2 je..mmber2 sume keje..sorang tu tido..shift mlm..x bek kacau..pndai2 la yer bwk diri..
ini kedai indon kot..meh aku bgtau korg pe yg die jual..

p/ seen in the photos lol

korang pilih je mne 1..n then mereka akan memang panas2 la korg mkn t..

aku hentam skali 2.haha..this one is puyuh + lele..nyum2..bila dimakan ngan nasi + sambal...haih...terbaik la..asal la bru jumpe kedai ni..da dkt 4 taun kt jb..lalu dpan je..kalu tk..mb gemuk da kot aku skang..dok mkn 2 pinggan je hari2..haha..

k for the taste plak..this is how i rate it
                      spicy::moderate..lgi pedas lgi best..opinion je tau
                      crisp::superb...yeah..ngap2 je..

nk kene cari kedai ala mcm ni dkat bangi ni..asap..

after that..
aku g singgah secret recipe sat..xtau la knp..sejak2 skang ni..gian nk makan kek je..da hri ke 3 berturut2 g mkn kek ni..haih..ape pon tkbole 2 slice of black forest..hard to resist...>.<

                                                      ::black forest::

afterwards...jalan2 kt city square..x byk sgt perubahan dkat sini..
beli2la brg sikit..pastu g hentam aiskrim mcd mcflurry cornetto...

thats is how i wrap my day... eat somemore..xD
lol guys..dont just keep eating anythin without exercise yerk..
t sakit spe yg susah..mak bapak korg gak yang susah..haizz....

Monday, April 18, 2011


idk y..but rase agak hepi sikit from before..this is nice ...see the face la lol...^_^..mb sbab cuti terlampau lame kot...
haih...da lame da aku tk buat entry...mb x rajin la nk update2 blog ni..
its been month since i last wrote...skang ni aku ngah cuti sem..bulan 5 ni bru mule sem balik..exact date 9 mei tktau la bila aku smpai sne t..haha..

result  EXAM pon da kuar..n im not so proud of it...its time to bounce back..gotta bounce hard..kalu tk..tenggelam la jawabnye..
tp disebabkn tgh cuti ni..aku mls nk pikir pasl study2 ni..
aktiviti ketika cuti::

first week-masih di uniten...kluar dgn kwn2 kelas..jgn nk suckerpunch sgt...hahahaha

second week-sudah kembali pulang ke hometown..melaka..LOL..again with some friends again..

third week-berada di JB plak..aku da la tk pegi konvo amik la mse ni utk amik dip n spend time with my friends...original plan..stay sekejap je...but still...i am still in jb lagi ni..xtau la bile nk balik melaka...its been a blast guys..thanks la din wei..cuti2 pon dtg lepak ngan aku..bese bz layan awek je..haha..keje baik2 la geng..wish aku pon still keje mcm korang gk...=.="..wish the best for all of u..n thanks basuh baju aku geng..haha

4th week n so on-still in planning...xtau pe nak buat...akan pulang melawat ayah ku di perak sana tu..sorry la dad..on the 4th week bru plan nak mai..nk buat cmner..kamu bz itu ini..susah gini..n sori lgi skali coz wont be playing bowling with u for quite a while..rase mcm aku kene quit bowling ni..zzz...wrist!!pls do heal!! sad....:-(...

last but not least...

do enjoy this of my fav song...the song is call is anybody home by our lady peace...yeah..:-D..

thats all for now kot...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

carutan 1

hmm...setelah aku baca n tgk berite kebelakangan ni...
i proud to be a malaysian..wanna know y?
coz in UK..when accident do happens..they all will panicked n dont know what to do..
but in malaysia..we know how to cope with it..sbabnye..dkat malaysia ni slalu sgt berlaku accident ni compare ngan tmpat diorang..hahaha..n on top of that..i think all the bus driver is very lazy n stupid...kpd sesiapa yg ibu bapanya drebar bus..sori la weh..bende da betol..tkle nk ckp ape la kan..:-p..tgk sendiri da bape nyawe diorang ragut..bile tiba musim..ade je org mati..
kita leh tgk dkat had laju yg diorang leh bwk..which is around 80/90km..
tp..bile jumpe je dkat highway..i was driving 120..but the bus is way faster..mb 140km..
WTF!!..some1 need to tell the bus driver where is the center gravity of the bus..i think they all dont know..thats y bawak cm haram to stop a heavy vehicle with a high mass...pon diorang tktau...tu langar sane sini..zzz

as for the police plak..ppl need to smack some senses into them..basic calculation 1+1=?? pon diorang tktau...instead of 2..they will answer..1 for u n 1 for me..hahahha...harem je kan..nak2 polis mude skang..berbagai2..hahah..

suka suki ja tulis ni :-P

Monday, January 10, 2011

Kawan Makan Kawan..WTF

korang da biase dgr kan kwn makan kwn..but this time..memang mcm FUCK..
dijadikan citer....kwn aku ni memang cm sial....

it happens before aku nk masuk uniten ni..daftar uniten on 29 november..monday tk silap aku..
mamat ni punye hal pulak hari jumaat...memang time tu aku kusut gile..
budak ni..anak org kaya..uma die je estimate around 500k..idop pon enjoy je la slalu..
hari jumaat tu..aku da quit keje da..die tepon aku..ajak lepak..die kate die de family prob..
aku cpat emo sikit when membabitkan family ni...
aku ni anak yatim..for those who dont know la..mak aku meninggal time aku f5..
n i be staying all alone at home till now...sbab pe?bab bapak aku keje kt perak...
so as a good friend..aku pon teman la die..from 4pm till 3.30am..mcm2 tempat la aku g teman die..
letih tu jgn ckp aku tk kesah..die ckp bapak die ade perempuan len..siap kantoi kat tempat karoeke..
bende ni pon aku tknk cite lebey2 kt sini..setakat korang tau bapak die ade skandal sudah ar..
die nk lari penang..aku bg la advice pape yg patot...die memang emo gile time tu..aku je yg kene ckp banyak..
well nk buat cmner..

korang mesti tktau pe sial yg die da buat kt aku..mase nk p antar die balik tu..
die suh aku g 7eleven nk beli topup..aku nk bwk je 7e mane2 otw ke uma die tu..
die tknk..die nk specific place pulak..ok aku layan..die kate leh dapat free..siap nk payung topup..
like i need topup tu..bengong...aku mintak bende len...
yg pelik..mse aku parking blakang kete dekat area 7e tu..die suh aku g dpan..
k aku tk ksah..aku on ja..
pas die kuar dari 7e..die msuk kete je..terus suh aku jalan...
at the same time..staff 7e kuar...tgn tnjuk2 kt kete gua..
aku dgn rase tk bersalah..jalan mcm biase je..sbab die ckp supervisor ade..kecoh..

pas antar die balik...dlm 340 am gitu..die text kate nk gerak g bangsar..
aku ckp jaga diri je..pape text..
the next day..dlm 2 am..jiran aku serang uma aku..aku memang ade masalah ngan pakcik ni..
coz aku penah tendang bini die..kuang ajar sgt..
kali ni die dtg..aku pelik ar..sbb aku rase aku belom pukul anak die lgi..
die dtg pon cm tk puas ati..tiba2 die tnye aku de g 7eleven tak..wktu sekian2..
aku ckp la ade..
terus die tnye...
i was like..WTF..duit ape pulak ni?
last die citer..
no plat kete aku da kuar dekat IPK..cume org report tu salah cam kete je..die ingat NEO..celah mane yg nmpak NEO bodow!!
penggunaan duit palsu ..sebanyak 7 keping..=rm 350..kes berat ni..bole kene charge pengedar..
yg paling tkle blah...die ckp kaltu polis dtg tangkap ko jp g..ko terus dtg uma aku..
lg tktau pape..
aku tgk mmber aku kuar plastic kecik je time tu..tktau plak brg die smpai 3++..topup 100 x 3..

patot la sebelum ni..kalu die nk pinjam aku 100 or 200 ke..die nk bg ngan topup..
mknenye lame da gak die buat keje2 ni..
ni namenye BABI PNDAI!!!..buat job nek kete kwn..zzz...
i wont ever forget this bro..
like hell i will help u again...u can eat my shit !!!

aku da tkle blah da kt uma..mcm haram..rase nk hentak sesape je..
last bgtau bapak aku..kene TIAW lgi..bapak aku pon polis gak..
i was in dilemma that time..between further study or jd wanted..sbab aku prime suspect..
kalu kene tahan..confirm2 seminggu..da lpas tarikh dftar..memang sial kawn aku pndai da lari bangsar..tu pon ntah betol ke tidak.. =.="
aku decide nk lari ke kl..n terus dftar..pasal wanted nk pikir..mne2 roadblock time tu..aku lari ..
cm fugitive..fuck!!!!!!!

aku simpan kete aku kt uma mkcik..nk bagi keadaan tenang dulu...
for the police case..aku kene bg statement..
nsib aku bwk kawn baik aku..kire die la jd savior witnesses..
dlm 2 minggu aku kt uniten..
kes ni pon da leh kire not a suspect anymore..

but again..bapak aku dowk sound..
ko dari dulu suke tolong org..last2 ko gak yg susah..
wt can i say lol..
do u guys expect any of this to happen?
lgi plak kwn sejak umor 14..
n latar belakang family die kaya2..

p/s..sorry bebel terlebeh sudah..
n kalau nk tolong kwn tu..berpada2 la..WA DA KENE BEB..
lgi2 kepada yg berkenderaan..dinasihatkan jgn bagi pinjam..aku kire ok aku yg drive..tau gk la citer..
kalu kete ku dipinjam? pasal2 je tktau pape..then kene tangkap...zzzz

thas all for today i guess...

bb da...

Sunset gampang je diorang bergambar..=.="

trial 1 :-D

aku baru buat natang blog ni
so kinda noob n blur ..
aku men tulis je..aku tk kesah KORANG nak BACA atau tidak..
to me..wt make blog interesting is..
aku bole tulis or kutuk sesape je aku suke..
which is way totally different than fb..
so kepada sesape yg terkene or dikenekan..
mintak maap la seh..

k it or not..aku nk mula MENGARUT n MENCARUT da ni..hahha
hmm..its kinda late for me to write actually..
ape nak buat..
busan sudah..
dari duk adap calculus je ni dr td..menyirap aku..=.=" friday da mid terpakse la kan..
kalu tk study..stok bungkus je ujung sem t..

as for today..jalan2 area kl dkat kelang lame...wtpe kesane?
aku ngah usha reptiles..
rainbow boa is the name..
ramai tamer ckp ular ni agak agresif n tk sesuai utk newcomer..
g mampos la...
aku nk gak..i will accept the challenge..haha
korang mesti tk kenal kan...x kenal maka tk cinta..
so just look at those picture..aint it beautiful???isnt it spectacular??ular ni will emits rainbow like color around its body when viewed in good light...pndapat aku la..ular ni la paling attractive than any other snakes..
sure this is a MUST get pet ..

in the evening plak...g main bowling ngan housemate dkat warta bangi....lane kt sane memang teruk..but it is the cheapest in town....twisted my wrist while playing..fuck..azam bulan ni..walaupun agak lmbt..haha..aku nk stop men bowling for a month or more..sure hope so bazir duit je..kalu seminggu da 50 or more...da ter addict..nk buat cmner..=.="..aku tk pndai men pon....its just a game that i find enjoyable..

haiz..pas senja je..kekusutan pon bermule..=.="...aku jeles tol ngan budak COIT..releks n tenang saja aku tgk mereka..contoh paling dkat..houstemate aku...asal aku nga kusut cm haram..tgk dieorg rilek je layan fb..tenang2..leh kuar jaln2 lgi....time kjee pon tk sekusut ni..ape nk buat..aku da buat keputusan nk further kene la accept the responsibility as a STUDENT.

k la..
im done writing for the day....
thanks for those who care to read my shitty blog...:-D